I have something important I want to share with you this morning...an early Christmas gift to you.
And even though I have a busy day planned, full of all the activities the season brings, I need to take a minute and give it to you now, before it fades away.
"King David went in, took his place before God, and prayed: "Who am I, my Master God, and what is my family, that you have brought me to this place in life? But that's nothing compared to what is coming, for you've also spoken of my family far into the future, given me a glimpse into tomorrow, my Master God! What can I possibly say in the face of all this? You know me, Master God, just as I am. You've done all this not because of who I am, but because of who you are-out of your very heart!-but you've let me in on it." 2 Samuel 18-22
Did you hear it?
Go back and read it again...
I don't want you to miss it!
Just like David, God loves you just as you are!
Not because of what you have done, but because of Who He Is!
I don't know about you, but when I read that this morning I let out one long exhale...
I needed to be reminded that it's all going to be okay.
You see, it's not about you or me...
It's about Him...Who He is.
All that we have...
All that we are...
Are because of Him.
And that truth filled my heart with wonder and praise!
Let me give you a little background about these verses...
David had just lamented that though he lived in a magnificent palace, the Chest of God sat in a plain tent.
So he came up with the self-inflicted idea to build God a house worthy of Who He Is.
David told Nathan the Prophet of his plans and Nathan, human prophet that he is, agreed and confirmed it with David, saying, "Whatever is on your heart, go and do it. God is with you."
But God had something else to say on the matter...and here comes the big "But"...
"I am God!
I have been with you your whole life long.
I have made you who you are.
And I have great plans for you and your children, whom I will raise and discipline.
I will never remove my gracious love."
And in that moment, when these truths overtake him, David worships...
"This is what makes you so great, Master God! There is none like you, no God but you, nothing to compare with what we've heard with our own ears."
I like to think that at that moment David "got it"...
It's all grace....there is nothing we can do for Him!
All that David had...and he had just about everything!
Or all that he was...a mighty king, handsome, strong, powerful!
Were because of God...Awesome...Almighty...Abounding in...
Overflowing love...
Grace upon grace...
Mercy upon mercy...
Poured out over and over and over again.
On David.
And on you and me.
Eventually David would learn that even his sin with Bathsheba could not separate him from God.
Nothing can separate us from the Love of God!
We have all had our falls...
We all have our weaknesses...
And we will continue to stumble in this fleshly body until the day He sets us free.
But in the meantime,
In whatever trials, doubts, hopes, and dreams you are facing...remember...
That just like David, God has been our Help in ages past.
He is our Hope in years to come.
And He loves us passionately.
Like David we can cry out,
"You know me, Master God, just as I am. You've done all this not because of who I am, but because of who you are...out of your very heart!"
The Heart of Christmas.
Thank you, Lord.
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